Sunday, August 10, 2008

How to Maintaining a Sharp Mind

Most people did not worry much time brain associated conditions. From memory, language disorders and confusion were simply as part obsolete. Now that our bodies are still in great shape and much more, it is always important that our spirit also remain active, both for our families want our own. Tips for a person suffers from the impact of the degenerative brain disease can be extremely draining both physically and emotionally.

Do you think over our heads.

The brain is the nerve centre of our system and the metabolically active organ in the body. It consists of around 100 billion neurons and weighing approximately 1.3 kg.

The brain works with more than 20% of the total oxygen to the body and a good blood in the brain is crucial. Under normal circumstances, is the brain uses a continuous supply of glucose as an energy source. Without permanent delivery, the reserves of glucose in the brain is roughly ten minutes.

Food for the brain.

A healthy brain needs a healthy diet. Begin the day with breakfast, there are increasing signs that the breakfast is a meal in conjunction with a memory function better later in the day. A diet high in foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds is important for brain health. In addition, DHA, a fatty acid essential deep-sea fish (tuna exp.) aid the functioning and development of the brain.

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